Miro allá a lo lejos.
Las gaviotas revolotean en el cielo.
En el horizonte un hilo teñido de negro.
El mar turquesa dibuja caminos inciertos,
mientras el sol se peina en su espejo.
Todos los atardeceres asisto al mismo concierto.
El cielo viste de azul,
y su porte es tranquilo y sereno.
El sol, como una bella dama,
viste de oro y escarlata.
Iba enjoyada como en las mejores galas.
El mar aparece en el segundo acto,
cubierto con un manto de cuna blanca.
Y de fondo,
se oye repicar las campanas de mi pueblo,
acompañando a tan majestuoso escenario.
Se pierde el sol en busca de nuevos mundos.
Se tiñe el cielo de luto negro,
mientras el mar da cobijo a sus hijos marineros.
Y yo, desde mi rincón,
doy rienda suelta a mi imagición
errante y nostálgica.
Me levantaré tarde, ya de noche,
y caminaré bajo un cielo estelado
con una luna vestida con peineta de oro.
I look far in the distance.
The gulls hover in the sky.
In the horizon lies a thred dyed black.
The turquoise sea draws uncertain paths,
while the sun combs herself in her mirror.
Every evening I attend the same concert;
the sky dressed in blue,
her demeanor is quiet and serene.
The sun, like a beautiful lady,
dressed in gold and scarlet
bejewelled with her best finery.
The sea appears in the second act,
covered with a baby´s white blanket.
In the background,
I hear the bells from my village ringing,
accompanied by majestic scenery.
The sun fades in search of new worlds,
the sky mourns as blackness creeps in,
while the sea shelters her sailor children.
And I, from my corner,
give free reign to my imagination
errant and nostalgic.
I awoke late, now at night
I walk under the starlit night
and the yellow moon,
adorned with tiara and veiled
by it´s shimmering light.
y caminaré bajo un cielo estelado
con una luna vestida con peineta de oro.
Colección : Sin musa no hay poesía.
I look far in the distance.
The gulls hover in the sky.
In the horizon lies a thred dyed black.
The turquoise sea draws uncertain paths,
while the sun combs herself in her mirror.
Every evening I attend the same concert;
the sky dressed in blue,
her demeanor is quiet and serene.
The sun, like a beautiful lady,
dressed in gold and scarlet
bejewelled with her best finery.
The sea appears in the second act,
covered with a baby´s white blanket.
In the background,
I hear the bells from my village ringing,
accompanied by majestic scenery.
The sun fades in search of new worlds,
the sky mourns as blackness creeps in,
while the sea shelters her sailor children.
And I, from my corner,
give free reign to my imagination
errant and nostalgic.
I awoke late, now at night
I walk under the starlit night
and the yellow moon,
adorned with tiara and veiled
by it´s shimmering light.
Collection: Without muse there is no poetry
Translation: Sarah Louise Bussey