Hoy me ha venido a visitar
un viejo conocido,
un viejo conocido,
nos hemos tomado unas copas,
se ha ido con viento fresco,
en busca de viejos recuerdos.
La nostalgia ha asomado
por los poros, interrogando:
¿Quién era aquel mozo,
con aquellos ojos y labios
que quitaban el sentido?
Le recomendé que siguiera
su camino, porque los recuerdos,
su camino, porque los recuerdos,
siguen guardados en el baúl.
Ya ves, querido amigo,
fue una fuga del cerebro
que ha debido escaparse,
entre las rendijas del pasado.
¡No se pueden tener
encerrados eternamente
los pecados de la juventud,
bajo siete llaves!
Today an old acquaintance
came to see me,
we had a few drinks,
he had gone like fresh wind,
in search of old memories.
The nostalgic reared
through the pores, interrogating:
Who was that woman?
with those eyes and lips
that obscured the senses.
I recommended that he continued
his path, because the memories,
continued to be stored in the trunk.
Now you see dear friend,
it was a leak of the brain
that had failed to escape
through the cracks of the past.
You cannot have
eternally closed
the sins of youth
beneath lock and keys.
encerrados eternamente
los pecados de la juventud,
bajo siete llaves!
Colección : Sin musa no hay poesía.
Today an old acquaintance
came to see me,
we had a few drinks,
he had gone like fresh wind,
in search of old memories.
The nostalgic reared
through the pores, interrogating:
Who was that woman?
with those eyes and lips
that obscured the senses.
I recommended that he continued
his path, because the memories,
continued to be stored in the trunk.
Now you see dear friend,
it was a leak of the brain
that had failed to escape
through the cracks of the past.
You cannot have
eternally closed
the sins of youth
beneath lock and keys.
Collection: Without muse there is no poetry
Translation: Sarah Louise Bussey