Seré la luz que ciega, o la ola que refresca.
Seré en tus brazos, lo que tu quieras que sea:
flor de un día, lágrima peregrina, sueño ardiente.
Seré la flecha certera con que Cupido hiere.
Mi esencia será el olor de las flores silvestres
y te envolveré de locas pasiones.
Llevaré en mi ancla la brisa marinera
y a lomos del viento del norte,
el delirio de almas entregadas al dulce martirio.
Surcaré los mares, cabalgaré por montañas,
y portaré de un confín a otro del mundo la ilusión
y la dicha de almas errantes,
que buscan el consuelo de alguien que les ame.
Me convertiré en tus manos, en tu antojo,
en tus enojos y te haré acompañia en las frías noches
cuando tu corazón encorajinado,
se vuelva solitario y las lágrimas se vacíen.
Y apareceré de nuevo entonces,
cual fantasma iluminado
para humedecer tus labios deserticos,
mientras esperas un abrazo enamorado.
Te volveré suave y romántica
y resaltaré el brillo de tu sonrisa
y los sueños se tornaran placenteros
y las músicas celestiales.
Si amas, si amas de verdad,
como nunca antes habías amado,
Te devolveré tu linaje
y si me aceptas bajo las sabanas,
y si me aceptas bajo las sabanas,
Colección A quién no le guste la poesía,
que arranque la primera letra.
I will be the light that blinds, or the wave that refreshes.
I will be in your arms, whatever you want me to be:
flower of the day, pilgrim tear, burning dream.
I will be the arrow with which cupid wounds.
My essence will be the fragrance of wild flowers,
and I will wrap you with my wild passions.
I will carry in my anchor, the sea breeze
and on the back of the north wind,
the delirious souls will be delivered to sweet torture.
I will plow through the seas, ride over mountains,
from one corner of the world to the other,
taking with me the illusion
of the joy of wandering souls
seeking comfort from somebody who loves them.
I will become your hands, your will,
your anger, I will be with you on cold nights,
because when your heart inflames,
it becomes lonely and the tears become vacant.
I will appear again,
an illuminous spectre
to wet your deserted lips,
while you wait for a lovers embrace.
I will highlight the brilliance of your smile
your dreams will be pleasurable
and the music heavenly.
If you love, if you truly love,
as you have never loved before,
I will return to you, your heritage,
and if you accept me beneath the sheets,
I will convert you into as princess!
I will plow through the seas, ride over mountains,
from one corner of the world to the other,
taking with me the illusion
of the joy of wandering souls
seeking comfort from somebody who loves them.
I will become your hands, your will,
your anger, I will be with you on cold nights,
because when your heart inflames,
it becomes lonely and the tears become vacant.
I will appear again,
an illuminous spectre
to wet your deserted lips,
while you wait for a lovers embrace.
I will highlight the brilliance of your smile
your dreams will be pleasurable
and the music heavenly.
If you love, if you truly love,
as you have never loved before,
I will return to you, your heritage,
and if you accept me beneath the sheets,
I will convert you into as princess!
Collection: To those who do not like
you can rip out the first letter.
Translation: Sarah
Louise Bussey