Preguntó mi niña entre risitas.
- Las rosas olerán a lo que tú
porque ninguna de ellas,
porque ninguna de ellas,
ni por asomo, a ti se te asemeja.
-¿A qué huelen las rosas?
Insistió sin darme tregua.
- La rosas huelen solo a rosa,
pero tú hueles a bosque
y a menta fresca.
y a menta fresca.
- ¿Por qué están tristes las rosas?
Prosiguió curiosa.
-Porque tienen frío
y el sol no las calienta suficiente,
porque cuando sale,
porque cuando sale,
lo hace para iluminar
tu carita de azucena.
-¿Por qué se secan las rosas?
Interrogó ansiosa.
-Porque cuando tú sales a la calle,
con tu vestidito de seda blanca
y olor a clavel poeta...
¡Se para hasta el agua del río,
debajo del puente, para olerte!
¿No ves, mi niña,
que el olor a flores va contigo
donde quieres que tú vaya?
-¿A qué huelen las olas?
preguntó mi niña, con ojitos dormilones
y sonrisa picarona.
y sonrisa picarona.
-¡Duerme, mi niña, duerme,
que las olas solo huelen a mar!
- A què fan olor ses roses?
Va preguntar sa meua nena entre rialletes.
- Ses roses faran s´olor que tu vulguis que facin,
perquè cap d'elles t'assembla.
-A què fan olor ses roses?
Va insistir sense donar-me treva.
- Ses roses fan olor solament a rosa,
peró tu fas olor de bosc i a menta fresca.
- Per què estan tristes ses roses?
Va prosseguir curiosa.
-Perquè tenen fret
i el sol no les escalfa el suficient,
perquè quan surt,
ho fa per il·luminar
se teu carona de azucena.
-Per què s'assequen ses roses?
Va interrogar ansiosa.
-Per què quan surts as carrer
amb el teu vestided de seda blanca
i olor a clavell poeta...
Es para fins s'aigua des riu
sota es pont per olorar-te!
No veus, nena,
que s'olor a flors va amb tu
on volgis que tu vagis?
-A què fan olor ses ones?
va preguntar sa meua nena,
amb ullets de son
i un somriure emtremaliat.
-Dorm nena, dorm,
que ses ones solament fan olor a mar!
"How do the roses smell?"
My daughter asks between chuckles,
´"The roses smell of whatever you wish"
I tell her,
"Because none of them,
even come close to the beauty of the fragrance
that fills your heart".
"How do the roses smell?"
She insisited, without even chance for me to delay,
"The roses smell only of a rose,
but you, smell like a forest,
minty fresh."
"Why are the roses sad?"
She asks curiously.
"Because they are cold
and the sun does not warm them.
Because when the sun rises,
it illuminates only
your sweet little face."
"Why are the roses dry?"
She interrogates me anxiously.
"Because when you go out into the streets,
with your dress of white silk
and the scent of carnations,
the river, beneath the bridge,
ceases to flow,
as it stops simply to bask
in your sweet aroma."
"Do you not see, my daughter,
that the scent of the flowers are with you,
wherever you go?"
"How do the waves smell? "
My daughter asks me, with sleepy eyes,
but still with her cheeky smile.
Col.lecció Qui em deixa una fotografia?
Foto: Sarah Louise Bussey
"How do the roses smell?"
My daughter asks between chuckles,
´"The roses smell of whatever you wish"
I tell her,
"Because none of them,
even come close to the beauty of the fragrance
that fills your heart".
"How do the roses smell?"
She insisited, without even chance for me to delay,
"The roses smell only of a rose,
but you, smell like a forest,
minty fresh."
"Why are the roses sad?"
She asks curiously.
"Because they are cold
and the sun does not warm them.
Because when the sun rises,
it illuminates only
your sweet little face."
"Why are the roses dry?"
She interrogates me anxiously.
"Because when you go out into the streets,
with your dress of white silk
and the scent of carnations,
the river, beneath the bridge,
ceases to flow,
as it stops simply to bask
in your sweet aroma."
"Do you not see, my daughter,
that the scent of the flowers are with you,
wherever you go?"
"How do the waves smell? "
My daughter asks me, with sleepy eyes,
but still with her cheeky smile.
Sleep my daughter, sleep,
because the waves smell only of the sea!
Collection: Who has lent me this photograph?
Photograph: Sarah louise Bussey
Translation by: Sarah louise Bussey